09:00-10:00MSIF Session IA. Ibrahim (UK)
09:00-09:30How MSIF is Supporting Global MS Research and Access EffortsM. Sharawy (EG)
09:30-10:00Making DMTs Available and Affordable for All: Egypt's ExperienceM. Zakaria (EG)
10:00-10:15Panel Discussion
10:15-10:45Coffee Break
10:45-12:00MSIF Session IIA. Ibrahim (UK)
11:00-11:30Insights into Advocacy and Research Work being Carried out by MS Organisations in the RegionRepresentatives from MS organisations in the region
11:30-12:00Key Research Updates from the MENACTRIMS Congress 2022 with Q&AR. Alroughani (KW)
12:45-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-17:00Closed Workshop for MS Organisations



Dr. Raed Alroughani
Consultant Neurologist, Director of MS Clinic
Amiri and Ibn Sina Hospitals
Kuwait City, Kuwait

Abdelfatah Ibrahim

Mr. Abdelfatah Ibrahim
Head of Communications, Campaigns & Advocacy
MS International Federation
London, United Kingdom

Mai Sharawy

Prof. Mai Sharawy
Consultant Ophthalmologist, President and Chair
Cairo University, MS International Federation
Cairo, Egypt


Prof. Magd Zakaria
Professor of Neurology
Ain Shams University
Cairo, Egypt


MS patients and HCPs with interest in MS patient management


Registration is possible only for those that have registered for the congress only.